V2 Integradora promotes training of the Integrated Monitoring Center at the Court of Justice of Rondônia


V2 Integradora promotes training of the Integrated Monitoring Center at the Court of Justice of Rondônia


After obtaining a bid for the location of a resting solution and access control of people and vehicles, with the availability of all components, such as closed circuit television (CCTV).

For the operation of the Integrated Monitoring Center, the V2 Integradora together with the Court of Justice of Rondônia initiated, on Monday (June 24), a training with institutional security servers, in the computer laboratory of the School of Magistracy of the State of Rondônia (Emeron), in Porto Velho.

The first module of the course is taught by Fábio Marchesini Fernandes and Bruno Cerqueira da Silva, Technical Specialists of V2 Integradora, contracted by TJRO to provide the electronic surveillance solution, applying the Digifort platform. The training ended on Saturday (29/06), and was divided into the levels of administrators and operators.
The TJRO will now have the Integrated Monitoring Center (CIM), which will be responsible for centrally integrating and managing the security of the statewide distributed building units that will operate 24 hours a day, without interruption
With the new electronic surveillance system solution, President Walter Waltenberg, who also heads the Standing Committee on Security, is pleased with the advances in the area and stresses that it is one of the points that are being prioritized in this management. "The initiative that will generate economy through technology," he said. Instructor Fábio Marchesini explains that the training provides efficiency to the work of the servers. "For this, video monitoring modules are being applied to supervisors and then access control will be provided through the Digifort application software."

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